Personal development

Posts from the personal development category.

manan dedhia


This song by Opeth - was daily listening for almost 2 years. Every day that I was in a job that I did not want to be in. For a paycheck, it sucked the soul out of me. The lyrics rung true every single day. It was my first proper job too - and my family needed the money. Those were the only reasons I stayed. I was never good at it. Never productive. It wasn’t something I studied for, yearned for or...

Archana K B

AI companion

Do you remember how in 90s there was a chat bot in Linux or was it Windows terminal? It was the yahoo chat and irc channels era where people didn’t hesitate to chat with each other asking asl by being anonymous. There was the possibility that we could connect with people outside of our immediate family. The new era of AI chat bots is reminding me of that era.We have seen the film “Her”. Though the...

Vinay Narayane

दफ्तर से घर

देर चले हैं घर से दफ़्तर से घरढेर पड़े हैं ख्वाहिशों के बीच डगरसौदा घाटे का कर बैठे हो सिक्कों काशिकायत कर रहा सुकून हर पहर

manan dedhia

Khuda Hafiz, Ustad ji.

Zakir Hussain ji left us on the 15th Dec 2024. To a kid from small town India, growing up in a non musical family, he was Wah Ustad from the Taj Mahal ad. But there was something in his eyes. A twinkle, you could call it. Like a mischievous kid, who was up to no good.Yes we wanted to grow our hair out and pretend to play tabla, even if we had no clue or willingness.Over the years, Ustad ji made mu...

Khuda Hafiz, Ustad ji.
Pree Dew

तुम्हारे बिना

क्या कमी है तुम्हारे बिना?हाथ पकड़कर साथ चलने वाले की,झूलते हुए सिर को कंधे का सहारा देने वाले की,नम आँखों को सुखाने वाले की,या आँखें बंद कर किसी को याद करने वाले की?क्या कमी है तुम्हारे बिना?उस शायरी से जुड़े हुए करीबी ख़याल की,नग़मों को सुनते हुए तुम्हारी याद की,दूर से देखकर मुस्कुराने वाले की,या आवाज़ सुनकर भागकर आने वाले की?क्या कमी है तुम्हारे बिना?अंधेरे से न डरकर साथ चलने वाले की,खाना न खान...

तुम्हारे बिना
Satyajeet Jadhav

G-Force Parenting

I was watching First Man - a movie about Neil Armstrong. In one scene, he has just docked his spacecraft with the Lunar module during a mission in the lead up to the moon landing. Everything seems fine. Suddenly, their spacecraft starts spinning uncontrollably. They try communicating with the Capcom. But they get no real help. The G force is so strong, the co-pilot passes out. Neil Armstrong is tr...

manan dedhia


There are some days when you want no music. No external sound stimulus at all. Then there are days when all you want and need is sonic violence. You may not necessarily know when that is needed. But some days, the need for it is inevitable. Insatiable even. A barrage of drums, guitars and vocals that provide the sonic boom to the tunnel focus your Brain has achieved. Its not about proving a point....

Satyajeet Jadhav

Quality of Life

A quote I have recently stumbled upon and has stayed with me since is Annie Dillard’s “How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.” It is a remarkable quote. It captures such a profound insight in a simple beautiful way. I realized once again that I am spending my days doom scrolling instagram and youtube. How did I find the time you ask? Am I not supposed to be busy building my c...

Quality of Life
jaee jadhav

Threads of Time

“So, here's a little peek into my life. ..I am a graduate of 1963 - a BA in English Literature, Hindi Literature, and Political Science…….I remember earning my first 56₹ and being super excited because it was my money to do whatever I wanted with - even if I wanted to toss it into the sea!…Today I am 82 years old, overall all these years, I have been fortunate to encounter good friends and people ...

Threads of Time
manan dedhia


These images represent a major victory and a minor one. A major personal victory to create something that is aspirational, mastering of some craft. Minor one - to understand that fermentation is a gift of nature that can be used to stunning results. Mother nature is the true artist, we are just cooks. 
